Subject Area

Lecturer Name / Title, Subject

Industrial Design

Leonardo Bonomie / Instructor, Basic Design Studio

José Limongi / Instructor, Industrial Design Studio

Ruth León / Aggregate Professor, Industrial Design Studio

Juan Márquez / Assistant Professor, Industrial Design Studio

Pina Rosana / Instructor, Industrial Design Studio

Mauricio Vargas / Instructor, Industrial Design Studio

Design Technology

Julio Carrillo / Instructor, Design Technology 2 / Bionic Design

José González / Instructor, Model Making Workshop

Jorge Molina / Instructor, Design Technology 4

Luis Nerey / Assistant Professor, Design Technology 1

Mary Owen / Assistant Professor, Design Technology 5

Raúl Rodriguez / Instructor, Model Making Workshop

Leonardo Vergara / Assistant Professor, Design Technology 3 / Elements of Physics

Representation and Communication for Design

Valeria Canelon / Instructor , Graphic Techniques for Communication

Eduardo Monteagudo / Instructor, Graphic Techniques for Communication

Iván León-Trujillo / Aggregate Professor, Graphic Techniques for Communication

Theory and Methodology for Design

Serenella Cherini / Assistant Professor, History Theory & Criticismn of Industrial Design

Rafael Lacruz-Rengel / Aggregate Professor, Theory of Form

Homero Molina /Assistant Professor, Methodology for Industrial Design

Ulianov Niño /Instructor, History Theory & Criticismn of Industrial Design

Design Management

Ramsés Antolínes /Aggregate Professor, Industrial Ecology / Packaging Design

Norbith García /Instructor, Industrial Management & Organisation / Industrial Ecology

Nestor Ruíz /Instructor, Professional Practice & Legislation / Market Research

ula.merida.venezuela / webmaster: / last actualization: jan 2007