Historic Outlines

1990: The Faculty of Architecture of Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela) agrees to create the degree of Bachelor in Industrial Design as part of an academic policy to diversify the offer of design studies in Venezuela.

1993: An Industrial Design Department is set up at the Faculty of Architecture of Universidad de Los Andes as a first step toward the creation of its School of Industrial Design.

1994 (21 of September): The academic project for the creation of the Bachelor in Industrial Design at Universidad de Los Andes is presented to the University Council.

1996 (26 of May): The Universidad de Los Andes (ULA) proposal for a Bachelor in Industrial Design is approved at the National Council of Venezuelan Universities (CNU) and ULA is authorised to bestow this degree.

1998 (5 of May): The School of Industrial Design of Universidad de Los Andes comences activities with a cohort of 60 students.

2003 (24 of October): The first 24 Bachelors in Industrial Design of Venezuela are graduated at Universidad de Los Andes.

2005 (January): The School of Fine Arts and Graphic Design is separated from the Faculty of Architecture and Art to create a Faculty of Art. The Schools of Architecture, and Industrial Design remain together as part of the Faculty of Architecture and Design.

At the present, the School of Industrial Design of ULA has 220 students, 24 lecturers and 92 Bachelors in Industrial Design graduated and incorporated to the productive sector of the country.

ula.merida.venezuela / webmaster: ileon@ula.ve / last actualization: jan 2007